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Celebrity Health – Anna Daly

Cover photo: Lili Forberg

Anna Daly is an award-winning TV presenter who woke up the nation on Ireland’s flagship TV breakfast show, ‘Ireland AM’ for 12 years. Anna continues to work these days with the national broadcaster, RTÉ1, anchoring ‘Future Island’, a live nightly programme shown across a week, dubbed ‘Tomorrow’s world for today’ and ‘Hospital Live’ a live TV event set in the heart of Ireland’s busiest general hospital St James’s. Anna has even contributed to Good Morning America when she was asked to give the Irish take on some entertainment stories for US audiences.

She launched her ethical clothing brand Little Bliss in 2021 and it continues to gain loyal fans for its colourful aesthetic and sustainable ethos. She lives in Dublin with her husband and three sons.

Tell us what you have been up to Anna

After years working in TV I launched a passion project fashion brand Little Bliss – it bridges the gap between dressed-up outfits for being on TV, and gym gear. I noticed that my wardrobe had a big gap. Recently I launched a new Little Bliss venture with Powerscourt Springs – our first ever Bliss Escape, and I have plans for more. I’m really designing the escape for women like myself who are balancing minding children, parents and work and with little time for themselves.

I start off the escape, introduce wellness experts such as yoga teachers and meditation guides, and then I just enjoy it like everyone else. I’m also choosing the most luxurious locations because if we’re going to carve out that precious time for ourselves, we should be enjoying it somewhere beautiful!

At the end those who go on the retreat get a really nice goodie bag – the value of which is probably the same price as the ticket so it represents some serious value!!

What sort of exercise do you do to keep in shape?

I go to a gym in Greystones and do one spin and one boxercise class every week. In between I might do a YouTube yoga session at home, or go for a walk. It really depends on how busy I am with work and family. Recently I did the sunrise yoga with Maura in Sandycove with a friend of mine, we loved it.

What sort of foods do you eat to stay healthy?

I don’t have a menu for the week on the wall like some families, and tend to make it up day by day. For breakfast I might have porridge or toast and coffee.

For lunch I like lots of different foods. I was recently inspired by a salad I had in Powerscourt springs – beetroot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, avocado and rocket leaves with a dressing – tasty and filling.

For dinner I make one dinner that suits everyone – it might be a pot of chilli, a stir fry, a big lasagne or shepherd’s pie. The boys who are aged 7, 10 and 12 will eat most things thankfully!

My biggest downfall is tea and biscuits or dark chocolate at night time – the evening is my reward time. I try to have fruit available all the time and offer the kids yogurt or fruit if they want a snack. And I often have rice cakes as a snack too. I drink herbal teas too. I do have to train myself not to pick at things though, especially in the evenings when the house goes quiet!

Do you take any natural supplements?

Yes, I flit between multivitamins and vitamin D, but am a bit hit and miss. I regularly take a collagen supplement from Dr Doireann O’Leary’s Supplements made Simple. I actually got to know her through work and her products are great. It’s a tropical flavour sachet which has added vitamin C and is hugely beneficial for skin, nails and hair.

Do you ever worry about your health?

I have interviewed a lot of people over the years with conditions and syndromes for breakfast TV and ‘Hospital Live’. This can certainly make you more conscious of potential issues, and I have promised myself a full body NCT this year. It’s funny we do it for cars, but not our bodies.

Do you have any tips for Rude Health Magazine readers?

I have become more aware of the quality of sleep I am getting – in the past I didn’t prioritise sleep, but since wearing a Whoop on my arm I log into my phone and the app tells me how much REM sleep I have had. If I haven’t had enough deep sleep I might have an early night.

You can watch out for Anna on TV but also you can view her ethical clothing collection at Her Bliss Escape dates will be released soon. Be quick though, it sells out fast!

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